RVmagnetics has developed the smallest passive sensor in the world, thinner than a human hair (20 micrometers) – MicroWire -, a contactless sensor that measures pressure, temperature, magnetic field, and indirectly also torsion, stress, bending, flow, vibration, electric current, etc.
Contactless measuring is based on MicroWire technology and magnetic fields, with no need to power the sensor. Sensors can withstand harsh acidic and alkaline environments, provide accurate data for a period longer than a lifetime, and survive temperatures up to 600 degrees without losing their accuracy. Sensors can produce accurate data even when placed in a noisy electromagnetic environment. The maximum sensing distance range is up to 10cm.
Integrating MicroWire sensor inside materials or solutions does add neither additional weight, nor change mechanical properties. To create a unique and tailored solution for a client, close collaboration and customization are required.
The MicroWire sensor helped overcome sensing obstacles in industries including Healthcare and Medical Technologies, Electric motor manufacturing, Battery manufacturing, Carbon composite manufacturing Industry 4.0, Automotive, Aerospace, Structural Health Monitoring, and Anti-counterfeit area.