Our solution is an online platform (website and app) that assigns washers to users who need their laundry done. We save time and increase convenience by pairing through availability, location and demand.
clean laundry delivered to your door when you need it. Let other people do your laundry so you can do life.
Secure way to connect laundry washers and washees
Time saving and convenient for washees
Easy way to earn extra income
Hi we're Krspy Klean, and we connect people who do not have washers and dryers to people that do so they never have to use a laundromat again. We find people who want to pick up your laundry, wash it for you and deliver it to your door. Instead of lugging your laundry to a laundromat and waiting there for hours, you can spend your new free time having brunch, or doing yoga or whatever you people like to do.