We offer hotel prices from more than 200 online travel agents
Hotel prices from more than 200 OTAs
Hotel ratings and reviews from different OTAs
Flight data
car rental data
This hotel API helps you retrieve JSON data to compare Hotel prices, ratings and reviews from more than 200 websites including; Agoda.com, Hotels.com, Expedia and more. It allows developers to retrieve the data via just GET request along with the name of the city. We provide a transparent panel for your customers to compare hotel prices. Using our API you will get user reviews and ratings posted on all the top OTAs separately. This data will help you to beat your competitors and will increase your hotel bookings by a great margin. You can also use our API to search prices according to separate room types. We provide all sort of hospitality data for hotels and travel agencies. We also provide flight prices from more than 50 vendors like expedia, priceline.com, cheaptickets.com,etc.