Task: Solution Team

Required Question

Do you have someone to do “inside-the-building” stuff like writing code, testing assumptions, measuring data, fixing bugs, deploying updates frequently, etc?


It's ideal that at least one of co-founders has the technical skills to complete the project in mind. The best mix we found is the business/designer co-founder + the programmer co-founder. Having 2 tech co-founders isn't necessarily the best combo, but it's lean, and lean is good.

Also, if you don't have someone who can do the coding early on, it's okay too. We will introduce a bunch of different tools you can use to easily come up with a demo. We will also give you great ideas that will help you vaildate your product in 1 day. You can just look for someone after you have a demo and have already validated your idea.

Solution Team
Catch a technical co-founder!

When you do have a team though, the tech team should be able to fix bugs and iterate quickly. Some startups fail not because they have faulty features or a bad product, but because they are not able to fix them or roll out new features in time. Early adopters will keep supporting you unless if they see that your business is stagnant and their requests or needs are not met.

Note: Outsourcing is not ideal, because startups are based on building/measuring/learning and then iterating. Outsourced teams are usually not agile enough for that. However, if you still want to get someone else to build it for you (outsourcing), what could work is that you could use one of the services below to build your MVP but not launch it, get some feedback and traction so that you can attract a rock star co-founder. You could probably even apply for an incubator or get funding to move things forward.

Summly didn't build their own technology and sold it for 30M to Yahoo in 2013

Some great platforms to find awesome developers:

  1. oDesk - One of the most popular platforms
  2. Elance - Another huge freelancer platform
  3. Freelancer
  4. Guru - A very good one for startups
  5. vWorker
  6. Amazon Mechanical Turk - set up any task and get answers
  7. SkillsHive – become a/hire freelancer online
  8. GroupTalent – developers and designers on demand
  9. Or you could partner with Pivotal Labs, an incubator that helps you build your software.

Wireframing Tools - A way to create mockups of your product

  1. Read this UX tutorial first - Alan Wells
  2. Great list of rapid prototyping tools here - dan harrelson
  3. POP – Prototyping on paper for the iPhone
  4. Keynotopia – use PowerPoint/Keynote to create web/mobile apps – Cool!
  5. JustinMind– define web and mobile apps with interactive prototypes​
  6. Lean Design - design using HTML5-editor and automatically convert it to XHTML/CSS
  7. Balsamiq– rapid wireframing tool. software mockups in minutes
    • Napkee - export Balsamiq Mockups to HTML/CSS/JS and Adobe Flex 3 at a click of a button
  8. FluidU/I - mobile prototypes for IOS
  9. Draw.io – draw diagrams online
  10. Moqups - HTML5 App used to create wireframes, mockups or UI concepts
  11. MxGraph – client side JavaScript diagramming library
  12. Pencil- Firefox add-on to do GUI prototyping and simple sketching
  13. Lumzy – quick mockup creation and prototyping
  14. CSS Hat – Turn Photoshop layers into CSS3
  15. Mockflow – online/offline, extensible wireframing tool w/design library
  16. OmniGraffle – it’s been around before the web even existed
  17. Wirify – turn any webpage into a wireframe
  18. LucidChart – Cloud-based drawing tool
  19. InVision – UX Prototyping from jpg, .png or .gif files
  20. Cacoo – free online drawing tool
  21. Axure – Wireframing, prototypes: buil-in widgets and shapes
  22. HotGloo – Online Wireframing Tool
  23. Mocksup – Share your web site mockups
  24. Mockingbird - Mock it up and share web site wireframes
  25. Protoshare – website wireframing
  26. Gliffy – Online Diagraming
  27. Keynotopia - wireframing + high fidelity (pixel perfect) prototyping tool
  28. Free Wireframe templates for iPhone, iPad and Web
  29. Jotleaf - Create a beautiful website without any tech background
  30. Wireframing Tutorial