If you have written an awesome article, you can submit it to top blogs to be posted as a guest post.
Again, find blogs that are relevant to your topic, so that the chance of these blogs featuring your article would be much higher.
A great strategy to use is to search for articles related to what you're doing, and try to reach the author that wrote it. A good way to get started is emailing them and tell them that you saw their article on the similar topic, and that you are doing something quite similar too, so maybe they'd like to write a follow up entry.
Using that strategy in the email you've sent them will make them feel like you are a real reader that actually reads their content (they will feel more willing to reciprocate the same attention that you give them), and that since they've already invested in the topic already, it's not hard to follow it up with another entry.
Please read: http://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/write-a-guest-post-for-i-will-teach-you-to-be-rich/