As mentioned in earlier sections, Mint has a landing page or blog post on nearly every personal finance-related topic. This is an awesome way to establish thought leadership, and a good way for Google to pick up your content - when you have targeted the right keywords that are not heavily competed on.
You need to find out what keywords or topics your target audience is interested in. Try to create articles for any type of customers you may have.
Example: StartitUp has is a startup guide for entrepreneurs, wantrepreneurs, growth hackers, and incubators. We don't write articles for all of them, but we pinpoint on the needs of one of the customer group, and we customize our article to include keywords and content that only they care about.
1. Your URL (the website address at the top of your browser) should include the keywords: example: "" - Google values keywords in the URL a lot. The headline of your article should be the same.
2. Do not over spam your article with the keywords. Any given keyword should have a keyword density of about 1-3% (meaning the # of keywords/total # of words in the article).
3. Try to use alternate keywords that you are targeting. example: "Start a startup, build a web business, how to start a startup, build a startup." These keywords are different and when Google sees that you are not spamming 1 single keyword and that because of the different keywords that obviously point to the fact that your website is talking about 1 topic, Google will rank your article with more authority.
4. Interlink your posts with anchor text (the text of the link - which is "anchor text" in the link). Google likes seeing articles interwoven together.
5. The point of content marketing is to write articles of people. When you write awesome articles that people like to read, Google will pick it up. Therefore, for each of your paragraphs, have no more than 3-4 sentences in 1 paragraph to maximize readibility.
Another great way:
Test out the title of your blog post on Twitter first, before you write anything - an Andrew Chen method.
1. Tweet the title of your blog post.
2. Look at the amount of retweets on the post.
3. If there are a lot of retweets, write the blog post.
This is the tweet that Andrew Chen used that helped him find the topic for the legendary blog post.
Also read: A scientific guide to writing great headlines on Twitter, Facebook and your Blog