Stage: Powerful Messages that Sell (UVP) | Progress: 0%

Stage: Powerful Messages that Sell (UVP)

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In this section:

1. We will help you create a powerful UVP (Unique Value Proposition) to help you sell.

2. We will help you pinpoint the benefits and advantages of your product that makes it stand out.

Watch this to understand how customers think, and how you can hypnotize them.

In Short 3 Minutes
Required Question

What's the high concept pitch?

A high concept pitch is a super concise way to describe your service in a short sentence. The formula is: We are X for Y.


To-Do List for Startups

WebMD for Startups

DIY Cookbook for Startups

Virtual Incubator

This is not for your website, but just a really easy way to communicate the idea. This is mainly used just to help people quickly understand your service.

Benefits of your service - Sub-Headlines 5 Minutes
Required Question

What are the benefits that customers will get from using your service? Each on their own line.

Here we are going to write all all the benefits a customer will get when using your service. The benefits should support the main UVP (Unique Value Proposition) that you will write up in the next task. The benefits are supportive in the way that it helps customers understand how you plan to deliver your promise. 

For example: 

Build. Grow. Get Funded (UVP)

Get immediate results (benefit 1)

Get validation and feedback (benefit 2)

Track your progress and plan ahead (benefit 3)

The benefit describes what a feature can do. A feature is the description of what a function/feature is. Customers respond a lot better with "benefits", which we will come up with in this section and which we will use as headline and sub-headlines for your service.

A good benefit is described by clearly "stating" what a key feature does, from your customer's perspective - something that you know they want to be able to do.

A feature might be “Tools that saves your tasks”, but a benefit is “Track the progress of your startup" The benefit communicates the specific end result from using a feature, and not the process. 

However, that's not to say features aren't good. The point is to fully communicate with your customers what they are getting. You want to make it as layman as possible, and usually thinking in benefits is better than in features. If a feature can let customers know what they are getting, then that's fine too.

We'll come up with different examples below to help you understand. 

Features and Benefits
Capture anything, Acess Anywhere, Find things fast.

To communicate with your customers, you want to list out the features, but in benefit-form.

Case Study (example above): Evernote does a great job listing their 3 main benefits "Capture anything, Access anywhere, and Find things fast". Notice how they tell you what you'll get from the Evernote features, and not just throw the features at you expecting you to understand. Just to take note how their UVP is "Remember Everything". It's super awesome.

Also, Notice how below every benefit, there is description of the feature. So what Evernote did was to list the benefits, and tell you exactly how they deliver the benefit (feature).

However, here's an example that does a good job communicating via features.

Great landing page with features

Case Study (example above): With CampaignMonitor, You can see that their main benefit is "Email marketing software for designers and their clients". The headline says exactly what it is, even though it looks like a feature but it really isn't. It does a perfect job letting customers know what they are getting in the end.

Here's what you do to come up with great benefits:

1. Think about what your customers want to achieve in the end. 

2. Think about what keywords they are thinking about. Keywords help with triggering their buying emotions.

3. Find a good way to describe it to them, whether by a benefit or a feature.

4. Convert the steps above into short and memorable sentences.


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Must ReadGreat UVP/Value Proposition Examples

Unique Value Proposition 5 Minutes
Required Question

In 140 characters, write your Unique Value Proposition (UVP).

The UVP is the value or the end result that you promise to deliver. This is about why customers should use your product. Your UVP or your other value propositions (that you've created in the last task) will be the main reasons why users will bother to try your service. This shows why you are different, and it communicates a very specific result of using your service. You will use this UVP on your website. Also, a good or bad UVP will give you incredibly different conversion rates.

The UVP should be the combination of what all of your benefits together do. It should fully describe what your product does. You can use the other benefits either as your subheader or your key features/benefits. This is also the simplest way to help someone understand your business completely, and understand who it's for, and what it is.

1. Focus on what your customers will get in the end - Be concise. Your UVP should be very easy to remember and understand.

Example: "Get fit in 30 days" is a good UVP. "Track your everyday weight" is a good benefit but not a good UVP because while it tells customers one of the things they can do, but it doesn't deliver what what they want in the end, which is losing weight. 

2. The benefit is not a slogan - Just do it, CK or nothing at all. These are not UVPs, these are slogans.

3. Differentiation - The UVP should point out something only you can do and your competitors can't.

UVP Landing Page
In this case the UVP is "Create a Landing Page in Just 3 Minutes"


"Why you are different and worth getting attention.” - Ash Maurya


Square Landing Page
Another example: Square's landing page's UVP - "Start accepting credit cards today." 

You can also see the the other great benefits under the signup form, which reinforces the UVP. 

“First time visitors spend eight seconds on average on a landing page. Your UVP is their first interaction with your product. Craft a good UVP and they might stay and view the rest of your site. Otherwise, they'll simply leave.” - Ash Maurya


Build. Grow. Get Funded.

Build and grow yout startup in 3 months

The Ultimate Startup Guide

Build a website in days without IT background

Less wrinkles in days


Examples (from Ash Maurya):

Lean Canvas: “Spend More Time Building Versus Planning Your Business”

USERcycle: “Turn your users into passionate customers”

Tip: Best way to get your UVP is to deriving it from the problem you are solving. Study other people's UVPs.

Must Read: Great UVP Examples

Sub-UVP Headline 5 Minutes

(Optional) Write a sub-UVP headline that supports your UVP.

The sub-UVP should be something that better clarifies or amplifies your UVP. Think about it like a second UVP. While not all websites employ the sub-UVP, it's certainly doesn't hurt to have one.

Example (StartitUp):

UVP: Build. Grow. Get Funded.

Sub-UVP: The Ultimate Startup Guide

Example: (SEOmoz):

UVP: SEO & Social Monitoring. Made Simple.

Sub-UVP: Effectively Manage Your SEO and Monitor Your Social Media

Elevator Pitch 10 Minutes
Required Question

If you only have​ 30 seconds, how would you pitch your idea to a customer or an investor?

You can write multiple pitches depending on how many kinds of buyer personas you may have. As an example, for StartitUp, we might want a default pitch, a pitch for startups, one for investors, and one for incubators.

And also remember, when you are having a conversation with someone, the point is to develop a relationship, not to pitch an idea. A relationship goes a long way, but a pitch ends after 30 seconds. So, try to have a 2-way conversation.

However, it is still good to prepare something great for the people who you are talking to.


A great pitch should have:

1. Passion. Lean forward, use your body language (not your voice) to show you are so passionate about your idea that you're about to explode. Use the power stance.

2. Introduce who you are and what is your company.

3. I help X to do Y.

4. Why: Tell them why they should care.

5. What: Explain in simple terms what the project is. Your UVP would be good.

6. How: Give some benefit examples on how you manage to deliver the solution.


Example: "Hi My name is Edward, and we're building Startitup, a platform to help startups build and grow. It is a step-by-step startup guide with actionable items that startups can follow to yield immediate results. The platform allows entrepreneurs to easily track their progress, share their progress, get the latest growth hacking tricks, or ask the integrated startup community for help."

Unfair Advantage 5 Minutes
Required Question

What is your unfair advantage? Write 1-5 unfair advantages, and each on their own line.

Example (For StartitUp):

Insider information

Expert's backing

Intellectual property

Large network

SEO Ranking

Critical Mass

Unfair Advantage

If you are building something like Facebook or Linkedin, your unfair advantage wouldn't even be there until you have tens of millions of users. Then the unfair advantage would be the massive user base + data.

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